Friday 25 October 2013

Childhood Memory

Time to refresh the childhood memories.

     These days, almost all kids play video games or soccer, tennis and basketball. Games like Congkak, Main Lereng, Baling Tin, Sepak Raga or Gasing are bygones. Traditional games were not just mere games. They were designed in such a way that one can develop lot of skills like logical thinking, building strategy, concentration, basic mathematics, aiming and lots more. These games have rich culture and heritage value and were tools of passing on some ancestral knowledge or the other.

       The values that we achieve by playing these games are more when compared to the games that we play nowadays. We get a chance to learn about our culture and history, and the most important thing is that it is suitable for all ages, and they increase the interaction between generations.

       Kids these days grow up surrounded by technologies, to a point that their playmates are substituted by Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, Apple and friends o R2-D2. Rarely will they get the chance to experienced what their parents did, hence very few of them are appreciative of the luxuries which were given to them.

       Future of these good old school games which involved physical activities, which involved learning, which involved improvement of skills are in question. Many are clueless about these traditional games and alternate means of fun.

       Since it's our Made in Malaysia issues, I have compiled a list of games that I have played or heard of in my childhood days. Why don't we take pride in keeping our traditional games alive and at the same time, take a walk down memory lane. It's time to put down the Playstation and that iPad of yours and indulge in some old time fun with the kind of games your grandparents and parents played back in the days. Besides, in case you are a victim of a power failure and your Playstation goes dead, you'd know what to do. The enjoyment you get is more than the Playstation and Xbox and whatever toys put together. Reminiscing those wild childhood days brings a bright smile to my face.

1. Paper Airplane


By making using of the old books and deserted paper, we would compete with each other to find whose planes could fly the longest distance.

2. Blowing Bubbles


It came with a basic bubble wand, and dipped the wand into the bubble mix, and gave it a gentle blow and lots of little bubbles came flying out.

3. Gasing or Top Spinning


Gasings are spin with a string, cord or rope. To spin a Gasing, a string is first tightly wound around the top. With the player holding on to one end of the string, the Gasing is thrown or launched to set it spinning.

4. Keting-ting or Hopscotch


Keting-ting is a playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.

5. Rock Paper-Scissors


Rock paper-scissors is a hand game usually played by two people, where players simultaneously form one of three shapes with an outstretched hand.


Ready. Set. Comment away :)

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